New Orleans Trombonist Starts Non-Profit To Help Fellow Crescent City Musicians
On April 1, 2020, the music world was saddened with the news that Ellis Marsalis, a patriarch to New Orleans music, had passed away at the age of 85 after a battle with COVID-19. As one of his sons, Delfeayo Marsalis, walked the streets of New Orleans, he noticed a local record shop with a sign outside that read, “We love you, Mr. Ellis Marsalis. Thank you for keeping NOLA music alive!”
Those words from Peaches Records struck a chord with Delfeayo which propelled him to do something for the music and musicians of New Orleans. Since then, Delfeayo has started a non-profit called Keep New Orleans Music Alive (KNOMA) that will give emergency relief to the musicians of New Orleans. Other notable jazz musicians such as Branford Marsalis, Roger Lewis, and Brice Miller have joined Delfeayo in raising funds for the “cultural bearers” of New Orleans. With the Uptown Jazz Orchestra, the first virtual fundraising event was held on August 2nd in celebration of Delfeayo’s birthday.
Click here to learn more about KNOMA and to donate.
Photo Credit: Zack Smith Photography